Like an article produced by our reporters on our website and want to republish it on your platform? Here is how to go about it:
Step 1: Let us know
Just shoot us an email at [email protected] expressing your interest with the title of the story you want to republish, a brief introduction to your outlet, and the URL address of your website where you will be reposting.
Step 2: Republish it! But only after ensuring that the following criteria have been met
- No changes to the headline of the story: It should appear exactly as it was published on our website
- Author byline should be written in one of the following ways:
Option A: Reporter Name/NIMJN
Option B: Reporter Name for NIMJN
- The photos should be credited in the same way as it appears on our website.
- After the lead (or the first paragraph) one of the following logos must appear, based on the category/slug name under which the story has been published on our website.
a. For stories published under the NIMJN Investigations slug, use the following logo:
b. For stories published under the NIMJN Features slug, use the following logo:
c. For stories published under the NIMJN DEI in Focus slug, use the following logo:
5. And finally, at the end of the story, mention the following:
"This story was originally published in at ‘Replace with direct link to the story on our website.’"